Mahavatar Babaji & the Golden Body of Light
The great master had not revealed any details of his birth prior to the 1950’s. In the last few decades, Babaji has become a worldwide phenomena, particularly among mystics.
The Power of Story in Yoga Nidra
Inviting visualization in the form of a carefully constructed narrative in this part of the Yoga Nidra holds potent potential for expansion, creativity and healing.
The Power of Symbol in Yoga Nidra
There are two clear places within this Yoga Nidra structure where symbol is purposeful and prominent. These places are in the Symbols or Rapid Images section and in the Story/imagery/journey section.
These sections are designed move people through the Manomaya and Vigyanamaya Koshas and symbol provides a powerful and empowering vehicle for expansive experiences within these two human sheaths.
Tattwa Shuddhi
Tattwa Shuddhi is a structured sadhana that reveals the true power of the mind to the practitioner. It allows the aspirant to experience existence beyond the material and provides a mechanism for one to reside more and more within the truth of the Self…